Stayed back after school to help out in the noticeboard, perhaps what I drew wasn't really what was wanted so I sat there for the last 45 minutes doing nothing. What I did came to nothing, I just felt useless then.
But after reading others' blogs..well, there isn't a reason for me to feel that way since the purpose of it is just to have fun together ain't it? I'll try my best again tomorrow, i will ^_^
Perhaps the second most memorable event today was Sex education with ms poh. Sex education is never fun with miss poh. Nobody, nobody can beat her horniness xD
She made us shoot some "abstinence rocket" at "love" "life" "sex" and the heart. The girls scored 11 points and the guys got 13, so they got the whole packet of sweets. Watched some video, "no apologies", something on how premarital sex is bad. Showed us through interviews and short skits. There were some bad examples there k, don't learn from them.
Some stupid man who thinks you shouldn't care about risks of pregnancies or STDs since "the excitement of sex matters much more". not directly quoted. He thinks you can do it anytime and anywhere you want -__- That's america, i saw it somewhere in Boston leagal. (I only watched one episode since it was from a video component worksheet)
They interviewed those who felt guilty about pregnancy due to PM S. (not pre menstrual syndrome). I have also come to a conclusion that I do not know the meaning of many words, but the pink card doesn't appeal to me ^_^
Enough of that.
screwed my maths test.
Found a VERY GOOD MATHS TUTOR. as in, really very good. I hope my maths will improve tremendously! (my maths is THAT bad right now. Nobody's maths can be worse okay D:). There's light at the end of the tunnel! and did i say how nice her house is. There's this zen-ish theme, so everything's made of wood. I'm going to have my house like hers in the future!
Slept almost throughout english lessons and gave myself a neckache.
Yelaoshi gives out mean punishments.
It was raining like some shit when we walked down and i got my blouse and skirt TOTALLY WET. A really nice teacher loaned kaikai an umbrella, if not we could be in a situation much more worse. kaiying's socks was dripping wet like a towel when she squeezed it o_O
I'm frickin tired, but I still have geog and chinese since i just reached home.
Here are the photos we took today, before I left. Sorry I didn't contribute much today. I drew the stickmen since the rest of the painting were useless @.@
Here are the people who stayed back today plus yihan.
credits to yingzhi for this ;D

tata, I'm itching all over again.
Jason: why on earth would a secret spy agent in gay pink follow you around? .....zzz.....
{it was a (fake) spy manzxzx, i was with my art friend so her friend was just tagging along behind lol .__.}
isabel: haha then maybe next time you'll think twice before you lose my gifts again! ahaha just kidding ^^ i love you too much! -.-
{hahahaha not my fault ): hahahaha k thanks for that you mushy thing haa }
ngik hiong: lol emma. my throwing is worse than yours ok
{both of us suck la hahaha. yours better k}
anon: no video! ):
{i don't have it yet ): i'll tell you when i get it maybe o_O}
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